Monday, April 11, 2011

Free Water at a Rave

Ever been to a rave and not wanted to pay for water? A few simple words will get you all the water you could want.
  • Find organiser, manager, bartender (if there is one)
  • Say you took a pill and are feeling dehydrated (symptoms of ecstasy which can be fatal)
  • No rave wants to be liable for the death of a party goer (or lose a customer) so they will provide all the water you could want
Be careful though because they organiser might call ambulance or cops due to dehydration from ecstasy/other uppers being very dangerous


  1. I don't agree with this tip. Drinks are always overpriced at raves and clubs, but in my opinion, the possibility of getting kicked out of the rave is not worth the couple of dollars a water costs.

  2. they give you tap water. which you can just drink in the bathroom.

  3. i actually agree with long_ding. i wouldn't try it

  4. Interesting. I probably wouldn't do it either.

  5. The people have spoken, this is a bad tip.

  6. they legally have to give you water. but meh what do i know :P


  7. not my kind of spice but i like your other tips though so i followed

  8. Yeah, they'd probably call an ambulance. Most places give free tap-water anyway.

  9. Don't bartenders give water for free at raves? Never been to one, so I'm confused about this one.

  10. I would be scared to do this, if they did call the police and you were on some kind of drug, i don't think a couple dollar water would be worth going to jail.
